6 Jan 2017

Myths about bookworms

What I really don’t like in life is labeling. Now, I think we people are pros at labeling each other whether it’s because someone looks certain way or because of their interests. We put each other in a small container with a label on it thinking that this is who we are but I think people are so much more than just a label. It always amazed me how we’re able to label beautiful blond girl as a bimbo or a person with glasses on as a nerd. A person is not just one thing. We are all the shades and much more. Now, I don’t hate the label bookworm because let’s be honest, I am one, though it always drove me crazy how that term was always connected with negative meaning and certain myths that are sometimes not even true. 

For some reason, there’s this myth about people who love to read that they are ugly or rather that girls who love to read don’t use make up. That’s big stupidity in my opinion. I know lots of girls who love books as much as make up. I adore books, they are my babies, but I also like to experience with eyeshadows and lipsticks are my weakness. I don’t know when or who created this myth that bookworms have to wear big glasses and baggy jumpers. That’s such a stereotype. And even if someone wears glasses and baggy jumpers, what’s so wrong about it? I mean, big jumpers are really cozy, I’d live in them forever. 
Again, I don’t think a bookworm has to be necessarily shy. I am, but that’s my personality and it has nothing to do with the fact that I love books. Some people may love knitting and they can be shy as well. I also know bookworms who are extroverts and go party every Friday so here you go stereotype, right in your face. 
Did you see the amount of characters a bookworm meets while reading a book? Now, multiply it with a hundred books in a year. I bet that’s more than an average person meets in real life. Now, in all seriousness, I don’t think we are lonely people. Bookworms make friends among each other. Did you see bookstagram or blogosphere? There are great numbers of people who love reading books and they become friends because of this. We are definitely not people who sit at home all day doing nothing, talking to no one because we just read books. We have lives, guys! 
Being a bookworm apparently means we don’t exercise, we are not healthy because we just sit and read. Well, let me destroy this myth. Many bookworms actually enjoy running or other forms of sport and they actually live healthy lifestyle. This one just makes me mad because it doesn’t make sense… none of these make sense. Who created them? I want to find him and show him what books can really do. 
Ha, ha, ha. That was a good one. Oh… that wasn’t a joke? Well, what can I say… maybe that this myth can apply to anybody? I mean, I am a big joker. Let me show you. 
Do you know what an ocean told the other ocean?
Nothing, it just waved. 
I imagine you’re now laughing out loud and your tummy is hurting from it, am I right? 
Excuse me, how can you speak so badly about my babies? They are not homeless things, they live in lovely bookshelves and they know how to behave. They don’t do any mess in my room. Yes, they like to collect dust because they think it’s fun to play with it, but other than that, they are good babies. They are the jewels of our room. Not only they are excellent companions for long winter nights, but they also make our rooms beautiful! How can we repay this? 
Now, this is not true either. We can talk about weather or about the stupidity of some people. We can talk about the Supernatural show and how I haven’t seen any episode of the new series yet which is tragic. We can talk about many things it just happens that one of them is the new book I’m currently reading and I’m totally obsessing over the hot male character and I just want to share my enthusiasm. Is that so bad? Also, I’m hoping to convert you to bookaholism. 
I mean, who doesn’t? Yes, we may buy copious amount of books but we are investing our money into something magical and beneficial for our soul and I don’t think that can be considered as wasting money. We educate ourselves with books, we travel through different worlds, we experience the craziest things you can ever imagine… for that price, I think it’s a bargain. But people who love games are wasting their money too, girls waste their money on makeup and clothes, we all waste our money for something so give us a break human. 
First off, why should nerd have negative meaning? Someone’s a slacker, someone’s a nerd. Do what suits you. I don’t care if I’m a nerd because yes, I’d like to be intelligent, I’d like to think that books made my brain huge because you know what? Intelligence is sexy. 
Said the person with his smartphone glued to his hands and eyes never leaving the screen? Yeah, thanks. Can you believe that people told me not to read the book because it’s rude and I should pay attention to the guests in our living room because I only see my distant family once a year but most of them are playing some stupid game on their phones. Why is book so much worse than the phone? I at least am doing something beneficial for my brain and soul instead of scrolling mindlessly through the facebook feed. Urgh. 

Allright, these were 10 bookish myths I came across during my short… or rather semi long bookworm life. Have you heard some these? Have you heard different ones? How would you react to them? Let me know in the comments below. 


  1. Omg I agree SO MUCH! And the phone vs reading in front of people annoys me so much. Like if someone is on their phone, everyone is cool with that??!? But heaven forbid we open a book. *facepalm* And I hate the stereotypes of bookworms always being antisocial introverts. I mean, I actually AM an antisocial introvert 😂😂 hahah BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE ALL ARE!! My sister loves books and also loves people! Stereotypes can just be so annoying.

    1. OMG stereotypes are the worst! And I stil don't get how phone is more acceptable than book. Urgh, the hardships of being a bookworm. Oh hey, I'm introvert as well! Thank you for stopping by. :)

  2. Bwhahah this is SO accurate! Seriously, I do not understand why it is FINE to ignore every other human on the planet by burying your nose in a phone, but if someone has the audacity to read a book, that is just the worst behavior ever? My brain does not compute. Also, totally an extrovert over here. And like to be social. And I mean, I have anxiety so sometimes that comes off as shy but... I am really not. ANd like... FINE, when I was 10, I WAS that kid with glasses and messy hair in the baggy clothes with a book- but guess what inspiration helped me get OUT of those clothes? That's right- BOOKS. (And I mean, the glasses thing was the help of an opthamologist who fitted me for contacts, and later, the dude who did laser surgery, but whatever.) And like.. my room is a mess, BUT most bookworms I know are actually quite neat! Bookish folks are like any other group- totally diverse, unique people who just happen to have shared interests! Love this post!

    1. I know right?! Someone please explain this madness!
      Haha, I was totally the same when I was 10, except the glasses which just reminds me another myth I've heard: Bookworms have bad vision because they only stare into books. OH how many times my grandma warned me that I'll go blind if I don't stop reading so much. :D :D
      Oh I love the last sentence, it perfectly captures our bookworm group. Thank you for stopping by! :)

  3. Hah, I actually feel like I meet SOOOO many of those criteria, and I'm kind of proud of it. Yes, I'm pretty-much a stereotypical bookworm: I'm unsociable, I'm a nerd, I do worry about wasting too much money on books; I am shy, I do get lonely... but I'm a-okay with that. I mean, it's just my personality - I have no idea whether my love of books MADE me into this stereotype...
    Aw, now I'm stuck thinking serious thoughts about society and cliques and all of that. Thank you for the food for thought though!!
    Beth x

    1. I'm totally the same. I'm introvert so socialising is not up my alley and I feel guilty everytime I buy a book and I think everyone gets lonely from time to time and it's okay to be "stereotypical" bookworm. Thank you for stopping by. :)

  4. This is great!! Some of these (okay, most) I've heard throughout my book loving years and it just needs to change. At one time, yes, I was probably shy, but now you can't shut me up. And, book lovers do not likes messes anywhere around their books, right? Great and fun post.

    1. Thank you. These definitely should go far away and never come back. :D

  5. THESE ARE ALL SO LEGIT OH MY GOODNESS. Yes yes yes to every count.

  6. Yup to all of these. My DH actually thought I would quit my book obsession when I started with fitness. Pshhht! He was so wrong. I now just have less time for stupid household chores (that does not make me lazy, lol. i have teenagers that need to do chores themselves). Great list, I love it!

    1. Thank you! :) Once you start obsessing over books you can't stop. :D

  7. YES TO THIS POST. I'm definitely not shy or anti-social (or ugly, I would say, haha). Although I am a bit of a nerd, to be fair ;)

  8. This is a fantastic post! I am shy and a nerd, but no to the rest! And ugh! someone on their smartphones is so much more annoying than someone reading a book.

  9. I agree with so many of these. I also know that a few of them are true to me, but I was like that before having a bookish obsession because it's just my personality. I've always been that shy, quiet, anti-social person. I love being alone for the most part because it's my time to reflect on stuff.

    The phone/book thing I agree with sooo much I'll go with my husband over his friends house, and I'll pull at my kindle and I feel like I'm being judged because I'm not participating in the convos, but then everyone gets on their phones and it's cool.
