Author: V. E. Schwab | Genre: fantasy, young adult | What can you find: stabbing, magic, action, darkness and sassy remarks | Goodreads: 4,05 |
“I'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still.”
A few days ago, I finished ADSOM. I know, I’m terribly late to the party, since the third book just came out, but I had it on my tbr for a while and I saw that it was translated into Czech which meant that there were no other excuse for me to make. Oh boy, I am happy I read it. Ok, so there are four types of London in this book: The grey one, the red one, the white one and the dark one. It basically follows the story of a boy named Kell, who can go from London to London and carries letters with him. A royal postman you could say. A royal postman with magical powers and really cool coat… and a smuggler. He really likes to take things from one London to another and this will cost him a lot of trouble because he smuggles something dangerous.